Our COVID-19 Response
Peacock Family Services is committed to doing our part in maintaining the health and safety of our community during this time of COVID-19. Our measures are based on the guidelines of the CDC, Washington Department of Health (DOH), and Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).
We appreciate the understanding and patience our community is expressing during this rapidly changing COVID event. We value the grace with which our board, staff, and families have worked to create a version of Peacock programs that provide safe care and educational opportunities for the children.
The Peacock Family Services’ community members are at the heart of our commitment to maintaining the health and safety of our programs, which begins with our COVID Health & Safety Protocols and Travel Advisory.
To achieve a unified level of wellness for everyone involved, each of us has a role in keeping the collective community members healthy and safe. By making a personal commitment to modify our own behaviors during this pandemic, we share in this responsibility. By signing our Community Agreement, each of us commits to this pledge of health and safety for our families and staff.

Even though our staff and enrolled families will do our best to prevent an incident of COVID at any of our programs or facilities, Peacock Family Services also needs to be prepared for this possibility. The Peacock COVID Closure Policy includes our actions in the event of an “in-house” COVID-19 case, the authorities and their guidelines that we will follow, along with what this means for the organization, our staff, and enrolled families.
We believe that these documents outline and embody the approach Peacock Family Services is taking to ensure that we are all as informed and safe as possible. If you have any questions after reading through these policies, please do not hesitate to reach out to info@peacockfamilyservices.org